Backpack Buddies
29101 SE Eagle Creek Rd
Backpack Buddies provides weekend meals to students who have limited or uncertain availability of nutritionally adequate and safe foods. Backpack Buddies targets kids who access free & reduced-price lunches at school. Children are identified as “in need” by school guidance counselors and administrators. Backpack Buddies serves over 50 children in Estacada area schools. Each Friday we send the child home with meals for the weekend. You can donate either food (see list below) or financially. Please drop your donations off at Grace Crossing Bible Church (Tuesday-Friday 9 am to 2 pm).
- Canned chicken or pork
- Chili
- Shelf stable box chocolate milk
- Easy Mac
- Goldfish crackers
- Instant oatmeal packets
- No sugar added applesauce or fruit cups
- Protein granola bars
- Fruit leathers or fruit snacks
- Shampoo
- Conditioner
- Soap
- Deodorant
- Toothbrushes
- Toothpaste
- Hand sanitizer