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Estacada, OR

Saturday, June 20, 2015, open to the public 11:00 to 4:00. Judging begins at 1:00.

Authentic history and  Dutch oven cooking combine for the perfect day to visit the Philip Foster Farm. Come for a taste, or sign up to compete in the cookoff. Guests are welcome to visit, learn from contestants, and vote for their favorite dishes. See cookoff details below.

Admission to the Philip Foster Farm is $5.00 for individuals or $20.00 per family.  Call 503-637-6324 or email [email protected] for more information.

“The Pioneer Challenge”

Team size up to 3 persons

Please register before the competition

People’s Choice awarded at 3:00

Teams may compete with 1 or more dishes

Entrance Fee: $10.00 per team

Food Safety Guidelines

Please review this document for food safety rules. Field Judges Rules Word Document


Source: Dutch Oven Cook-Off on Facebook


Una Sandringham

Una began her editorial career as a Vogue intern, spending many hours in what some consider the epitome of fashion, arts, and culture. After writing for Glamour and Vanity Fair, Una took the leap to writing full time for this little website you’re reading.