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Estacada, OR

Clackamas River Outfitters

Why CRO?
– Our convenient on water location offers quick water access, minimal traffic, and great scenery!
– High quality boats, boards, and accessory rentals.
– Experienced and friendly staff.
– Our dedication to fair business practices.
– To support your local small business.

Join Clackamas River Outfitters for your next on water excursion in the scenic hills of Mt. Hood. Come to our Timber Park location and let us take care of all the gear so you can paddle and enjoy the breathtaking beauty of Estacada Lake!

Una Sandringham

Una began her editorial career as a Vogue intern, spending many hours in what some consider the epitome of fashion, arts, and culture. After writing for Glamour and Vanity Fair, Una took the leap to writing full time for this little website you’re reading.